A few weeks ago i was approached by a company who have produced a product to help keep you on track
when trying to eat clean and healthy. Anyone who travels a lot, works long hours and likes to eat healthy will know its not always easy on the go... the new Prepped and Packed bag offers a fantastic solution. The company asked me if they could send me a bag to trial and it arrived in the post last week much to my excitement. I've been using the bag for a few days and these are my thoughts so far!
Use my special promotional code for a discount at checkout!!!! preppack2t6
The bag is very stylish and compact so its reallyconvenient for travelling or carrying around on a day to day basis. It has freezer packs to keep fresh food chilled, space for 3 meal containers that come with the pack, a shaker bottle, space for a drink or snacks and a supplement holder. The bag is compact and feels durable, so hopefully it will last me well!
For most people i think 3 meals is enough and helps keep the bag size and weight reasonable. I usually have my breakfast and evening meal at home so 3 meals, a post workout shake and some space for fruit / snacks or another drink is plenty for me!

My biggest tests for the preppack bag came last weekend when i embarked on a 24 hour ferry to Spain followed by an 8 hour drive across country. I usually struggle to pack enough food to avoid the convenience foods you are surrounded by when travelling, but this time it was a lot easier!!! I was able to pack more fresh foods in the chilled section than I usually travel with and the bag itself is so handy - not too big or bulky so I could manage that, my case & computer bag easily
The bag also comes with a fantastic recipe book with lots of ideas to help you eat clean, healthy nutritious meals! Containing Wheat, dairy and gluten free recipes! I cant wait to try a few of them out!
Want one of your own? Use my special promotional code for a discount at checkout!!!! preppack2t6
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